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Tips for a Restful Sleep

January 17, 2014
Category Well-being
yoga classes

We have talked about new ways to improve your life, and about the activities you should avoid on your quest for a healthier lifestyle. Good and restful sleeping also requires good habits; here are some tips to improve your sleep.

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Healthy Snacks During the Day

January 15, 2014
Category Nutrition
yoga classes

Due to our daily activities or our job, our body demands snacking in between meals. It is also very common to have a convenience store close to you, especially in big cities, and for many people this will be the first choice when feeling hungry.

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Some Habits you Must End

January 13, 2014
Category Well-being
yoga classes

These poor habits are not easy to get rid of, but with willpower and a little effort you can get rid of them and have the lifestyle you are looking for.

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A Nice Day at the Beach

January 10, 2014
Category Spirit
yoga classes

If you have the privilege of living near the beach or if you go on vacation near a beach area, you surely know how much it revitalizes you. No matter if you are alone, with your partner or family, you can always have a great day!

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Yoga Accessories

January 8, 2014
Category Yoga
yoga classes

We already gave you some advice on how to choose your Yoga Mat or a proper attire for your sessions. Here are some suggestions on what to get to complement your Yoga Classes. The accessories are linked to the type of Yoga you are practicing.

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10 Foods Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

December 13, 2013
Category Nutrition
Food rich in vitamins

We have already pointed out the benefits of organic food and vegetarianism, but it is also important to know which foods have higher rates of vitamins and minerals. Search the web for recipes, and make the most of each one.

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​Tips for Looking (and Feeling) Younger

December 11, 2013
Category Nutrition
Feeling Younger

We all have seen models, actors and actresses who seem to have found the fountain of youth. Surgery isn’t the only cause since we know that despite the passing of years they still look great. However, maintaining a great physical condition requires commitment and hard work. Here are some useful and healthy habits that can improve your life.

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Yoga Retreats: A One of a Kind Experience!

December 9, 2013
Category Yoga
Looking and Feeling Younger with Yoga

You’ve already started your Yoga Classes and no matter if you’re a beginner or not, there are many places offering programs specializing in relaxation and in getting renewed through this discipline.

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Not Enough Time to Exercise?

December 2, 2013
Category Workout
time to exercise

Nowadays, it’s more and more common for people to say they don’t have time to exercise, but after all, you don’t need to have a gym subscription. If you decide to have a personal instructor, make sure he or she is certified. 

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